Zucchini Chips

What you’ll need:
1) Zucchini
2) Olive Oil
3) Pepper/salt/seasoning of your choice
4) Parchment paper
5) Baking sheet

1) Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees.
2) Slice zucchini into thin pieces.
3) Drizzle Olive Oil on zucchini and season with pepper, salt or any seasoning of your choice.
4) Bake for 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, flip them over so they bake evenly on both sides.
5) Let chips cool down for two minutes.
6) Indulge.

Crispy chips that will crunch in your mouth.

Health Benefits:
According to Health Diaries, one cup of zucchini contains 36 calories and 10 percent of the RDA of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and helps the body maintain low blood sugar.
Dietary fiber also prevents cancer.
Zucchini is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and antioxidants.
It also curbs overeating, such as indulging in fattening potato chips.

Healthy and happy:
Zucchini Before

Zucchini After

Unhealthy and sad:

Potato ChipsContents